Smart Living with solv: Your Guide to Efficient Home Energy Management

Smart Living with solv: Your Guide to Efficient Home Energy Management

Are you aware that simple adjustments within your home could potentially save you hundreds, not only during the winter but throughout the entire year? At solv, we believe in empowering our customers to make informed choices that benefit both their wallets and the environment. Avoiding common pitfalls and implementing small changes can make a substantial difference in your energy bills.

Optimising Boiler Usage

The Energy Saving Trust reports that 25% of a home’s heat is typically lost through the roof alone. By utilising the timer feature on your boiler, you can efficiently heat your home only when necessary, preventing unnecessary costs. Consider heating water during peak usage times, like mornings and evenings, aligning with your daily routine.

Prioritising Regular Boiler Servicing

In these challenging times, we understand the strain on household budgets. However, neglecting boiler maintenance to save money can lead to more significant expenses down the line. Think of boiler servicing as an essential health check for your home. Detecting issues early on, such as limescale deposits or leaks, can prevent heat loss and potential breakdowns. Schedule a professional service at least once a year, ideally before winter sets in, to ensure your boiler operates smoothly and efficiently.

Adjusting Combi Boiler Settings

Don’t overlook the potential energy savings in adjusting your combi boiler settings. By slightly reducing the flow temperature, you can minimise energy consumption without sacrificing comfort. Take note of your current settings for future reference, allowing you to readjust as needed.

Turning Off Unnecessary Functions

Many combi boilers come with a pre-heat function that keeps water at a specific temperature, even when not needed. Turning off this function during times of non-use, such as while you’re at work or overnight, can result in significant energy savings without inconveniencing your daily routine.

Regular Radiator Maintenance

Bleeding your radiators is a crucial step in maintaining an efficient heating system. By releasing trapped air, you ensure optimal radiator performance and cut back on energy bills. Invest a few minutes to bleed your radiators regularly, and you’ll notice the difference in both comfort and costs.

Embracing Smart Thermostats

Consider upgrading to a smart thermostat, such as Nest, Hive, or Tado, to enhance your home’s energy efficiency. These devices offer advanced control and automation features, allowing you to optimise heating based on your preferences and schedule.

solv – Your Partner in Smart Living

At solv, we’re committed to assisting you in achieving a comfortable, energy-efficient home. Whether you need boiler servicing, radiator improvements, or encounter a breakdown, our experts are here to help. Contact us for reliable solutions that prioritise your comfort and savings throughout the year.